Cloud Dragon

by Brendan Zabarauskas

Mountain Fort

by Brendan Zabarauskas

Mountain Outpost

by Brendan Zabarauskas

Hill Fort

by Brendan Zabarauskas


Undergraduate recruitment brochure


Roosevelt University


The admission department at Roosevelt University had a traditional viewbook that was mailed to prospective students, high school juniors, mostly, who had expressed interest in the university. They had lots of brochures for individual programs that were shared with students during campus visits. They needed a piece to fill the communication gap between those two events.


I knew I wanted to try something outside of Roosevelt's comfort zone, looks-wise. My pitch went something along the lines of, "If the viewbook is Taylor Swift, I want this piece to be Prince." A large format, full-bleed photos, heavy matte stock, and varnished printing treatment on all headlines made for a booklet that looks nothing like anything else in the Roosevelt marketing portfolio.


The clients in the admission office were blown away. My boss was thrilled by it. In fact, he displays a copy on a shelf in his office, in front of the alumni magazine, which is designed by a freelancer who happens to be his wife. Now, that's an endorsement.